4 Ekim 2007 Perşembe

Improving Your Google AdSense Earnings

Improving Your Google AdSense Earnings - AdsBlackList ~ Make Money Fast - The Million Dollar Experiment Down Under:

To improve the quality of the Google AdSense Adverts that you are displaying on your Blog or Site, there is a website that you can register with that will automatically generate a list of low paying advertisers to filter out (relevant to the content of your site).

The site is called Ads Black List and is very user friendly. It is just a matter of registering, logging in and providing the URL of your main site. It automatically picks up the title and key words from your site and once this is done you can easily generate a list of URLs that you will be able to filter from withing your Google AdSense set up.

To set up this filtering within AdSense log in to your account. Click on AdSense Setup, then competitive Ad filter and simply paste in the 200 or so URL’s that have been generated for you.
You may be wondering what Google think of all this, and so was I when I initially investigated it. The fact is Google have no problems with you using the competitive ad filter - you are allowed to filter your adverts.

Most of the sites end up being filtered out because they are MFA’s (Made for AdSense) with little or no content. An MFA hopes by paying a low amount per click they can lure an unsuspecting visitor to their site, then hopefully collect a high amount on an outgoing click. Not the best way to build a reputable Online Empire in our book.

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